Celebrating the International Women's DayAt the March 9 Tokyo Rally Celebrating the International Women’s Day 2024, we received the messages from the the Korean Democratic Women’s Union in Japan, the Korea Democratic Women’s Association in Japan , the Korea Labor Social Science Institute, the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Japan, the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Japan, the New Communist Party of the Netherlands, the Communist Party of the Philippines (PKP-1930). the Communist Party of Greece the World Federation of Trade Unions. All of them were translated into Japanese, printed and delivered to all attendants of the Rally. Following are the fivesolidarity messages received in English. Editorial office |
Greece | The regroupment of the workers' movement will be largely determined by the rise of women's participation in class struggles | International Relations Section, Central Committee of Communist Party of Greece |
WFTU | Messages of the International Women’s Day remain guide every struggle against the exploitative system | Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) |
Philippines | Let us continue to wage the militant struggles against the restoration
of the imperialism |
Eduardo F. Landayan (General Secretary, Communist Party of the Philippines (PKP-1930)) |
Cuba | Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, women have played a central role in the development of our society | Gisela Garsia (Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba) |
Netherlands | International Women's Day is the day of action against wars and for peace and for the establishment of women’s rights | New Communist Party of the Netherlands |